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Premiere Creative’s Top 10 Marketing Blogs of 2018

As the top digital marketing agency in NJ, Premiere Creative has been a go-to source of information for B2C and B2B companies and markets for 3 decades. Our blog strives to give our readers insight into the latest digital news, social media trends, and SEO tips in an ever-changing digital landscape. As we approach the end of another year, let’s reflect on the digital breakthroughs, shifts, and marketing insight we accumulated in 2018.

10) 5 Ways to Improve Search Rank on Bing

Google continues to outshine other search engines, with more than a 70% market share. But if you’re thinking of ignoring your presence on Bing, you’re making a critical mistake. While not as popular as it’s search engine sibling, Bing can still offer some benefits to expand your online reach. Read our blog to learn how you can improve your search rank on Bing.

9) Must-Have Website Features For Every Small Business

2018 was jam-packed with new web design features that take ordinary websites to the next level. Does your small business website contain any of these must-have features?

8) 4 Steps to Gaining More Google Reviews

Google reviews may decide whether or not a customer passes over your online listing. Are you more likely to trust a company with many positive reviews or would you choose the company without any reviews? It can be challenging to stay relevant in today’s environment, but having positive to reviews to share with prospective customers can help propel you to success. Not sure how you should go about asking for those reviews? Read our blog for 4 ways to get more Google reviews.

7) How to Find a Quality SEO Agency

SEO can be confusing and complicated, even for the experts. With updating algorithms and changing rules, what should you look for when hiring an SEO company? Since you’re making an important long-term investment, how can you can you get a clear view on which agencies can deliver on their promises of improved organic search rankings? Read our blog to learn what questions you should ask a prospective SEO company during your vetting process.

6) Using HTTPS Websites To Improve Your SEO

2018 was a rough year for cyber security. Many websites were hacked, revealing sensitive information about clients. As cyber attacks become a frequent occurrence, you need to do everything within your power to protect your brand and, more importantly, your customers. Not sure where to start? Well, you can begin by converting your website into HTTPS.

5) Can Influencer Marketing Boost Your Brand Awareness?

Influencer marketing is on the rise, and with good reason, turning into a 3 billion industry in 2018. So what is influencer marketing and how can it help your brand? Read our blog to learn everything you need to know about influencer marketing.

4) Fake Information: The Feeding Frenzy Epidemic

Fake news, fake listings, fake reviews. Oh, my! We’ve entered scary times with the proliferation of the misinformation epidemic. Even worse, social media unwittingly (or wittingly in some cases) spreads misinformation and misconceptions like wildfire. Read on to learn how about the different types of fake information, and how you can protect yourself from falling for lies.

3) How to Recover From a Google Panda Penalty

Have you noticed your web traffic declining and your search ranking dropping without explanation? There’s a good chance that Google issued your website a Panda penalty? Unlike the cute Pandas you see at the zoo, facing a Google Panda penalty isn’t something to take lightly. Learn you can recover from a Google Panda penalty and salvage your website.

2) The Best Ways to Advertise on Facebook

Still toying with the idea of whether or not your brand should advertise on Facebook? Well, you are not the only one. Millions of companies already see positive ROAS results from advertising on Facebook; the challenge is how to use their datasets to effectively target your business market. Read our blog to learn how to effectively advertise your brand on the social media giant.

1) 5 Tips For Writing a PPC Text Ad

While every part of your PPC program is important, few elements are as crucial as your ad’s copy. Not the greatest writer? No problem because we’ve taken the guesswork out of the process. Click over to our blog to read a detailed guide on how to write PPC text ads.

What’s in Store For 2019?

In the fast-paced digital world, it’s no surprise that exciting developments in web design, mobile, SEO and social media are already starting to roll out for 2019. And if one thing is for certain, Premiere Creative’s 2019 resolution is to continue assisting our customers and readers with our blog, both new and old, by providing the most relevant topics in the growing digital arena. Subscribe to Premiere Creative to have an all access pass to more blogs and information to help your business grow or give us a call at (973) 346-8100 to learn more. Happy New Year!